Thursday, July 20, 2006

A shakespearean post

Greetings, party people in the place to be! Ladies, form a line to my left for makeouts! Dudes, form a line to my right for high fives! Yes, I am the back and with completely original non-plagiarized from things to say! Well, in fact I was never away I was just hiding behind my laptop, I just didn't have the time/felt like/couldn't be bothered to/didn't have anything interesting to write/like writing/write/to write about. But I'm ok now, I found a solution to all my problems, yeah that's right, I resorted to the single most popular fad of the 80's; monkehs!

I'm sure you've all heard this thing about how a monkey hitting keys at random for infinite time would eventually produce the complete works of William Shhhhh akespeare (yeah, reanault commercial alert so sue me!) or any book you like for that matter (already existent or not). I'd personally would expect the damn ape to type next week's tv guide or even better a chapter of my thesis.

Anyways, after much bartering and haggling in the black market I got myself my very own typing monkey directly from the depths of the amazonian jungle and put him to work right away. Imagine the possibilities! I would never have to break my head again thinking about my blog's updates I would just sit back, relax and wait for yo-yo to deliver the goods.

After many many pages filled with rubbish like hdhsajkhjwpjqwemlnfoj sadf lqwmkwqemqrek w vopfispoic vn wrnkgngfcklmx pjd skjmgvlksafj gvpoas ropeir po kvkl vcpoiaio reo fspo igvposi feo aro iepi opj vmdpsm jmpfewojmgpo e egpjsj gfp eo gbnpm klmvmvpoeii tgfe oe pjwjpqo pwo por epoqwj grewjkfldsjk gsdhg hoih dsaf, the stupid ape finally produced something intelligible although quite crap and of no interesting to anyone which is what you have just read.

I mean sheesh at this rate his never gonna finish my thesis nevermind getting me the nobel prize I've been fantasizing about. (Oh yeah Borges I have one and you don't! No! You canNOT touch it bitch! hehe)

Catch you later.