Sunday, November 26, 2006

Chiste MUY mamón

que sin embargo me dió un chingo de risa...

Paciente: Qué enfermedad me dijo que tengo doctor? Sagitario? Aries?
Doctor: Es Cancer, pendejo!

Ya se ya se tanto tiempo sin postear pa salir con éstas mamadas, prometo nuevo post pronto.


Friday, November 10, 2006

Do you know who this is?

Does it matter? He's telling you to fuck off! You're gonna let him get away with that? Watcha gonna do about it big boy?

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Yesterday this guy came to give a talk about Euler to the department, he mentioned that among his other talks there was one called:

"Here's Looking at Euclid"
A talk on the history and content of Euclid's Elements

Laughed so hard I almost puked hehehe.

p.s. See note in comments.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Brain Stew

I'm having trouble trying to sleep
I'm counting sheep but running out
As time ticks by
And still I try
No rest for crosstops in my mind

On my own... here we go

My eyes feel like they're gonna bleed
Dried up and bulging out my skull
My mouth is dry
My face is numb
fucked up and spun out in my room

On my own... here we go

My mind is set on overdrive
The clock is laughing in my face
A crooked spine
My sense dulled
Passed the point of delerium

On my own... here we go

Third day running, I tried counting sheep but when I got to
1389 they just started to bleet in unison; bastards!