Tuesday, April 25, 2006

[6] Crab cakes

Hey there faithful readers, to show you that you're always in my thoughts (even when I'm on holiday) I brought you a gift from my trip to cornwall. Can you guess what it is? Well you don't really have to guess, just scroll down and you'll see it.

That's right! Crappy comic sandy limited edition! Now, you can't say we don't provide costumer satisfaction! Here at needless junk we think every one of you is extremely valuable and we do are best to give you top notch entertainment. Where else can you find this level of commitment? We are true professionals here, we are.

So if any of you has ever got caught by one of our crustacean friends from the sea now you know you can lead a normal life like the rest of us ;)

Did this comic remind anyone else about Pinchy, Homer's lobster pet, or is it just me?

Lookin' forward to your lovely comments,



At 30/4/06 22:11, Blogger Raquel said...

Bueniiiisimo! En la playa :D !!
Tu y tus ocurrencias.

At 1/5/06 11:53, Blogger Hek@nibru said...

Cool blog. Not just needless junk, I also play squash and I live here in Manchester.

At 2/5/06 02:58, Blogger Ing. Cardioide said...


That was awesome! :D Nice sketch!



At 4/5/06 11:35, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sand comics. What a great idea.

At 11/5/06 12:44, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"OHHH PINCHYYY OHHHH - pass me the butter, this is delicious- DEAR PIINNNCCCHHHYYYY"
(Whooaa! Waaay too much telly, fella!!)


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