Things that piss me off: # 1834
Consider this exchange between 2 random people:
Guy/Gal #1 : Alright then, I'll give you a ring tomorrow. What's your phone number?
Guy/Gal #2 : Uhm....erm let me look for my phone because I don't know it by heart..erm... Oh! Right! My number is (looking at mobile phone)....erm...can't find it hehe, well I'll just ring you now so you can save it. I never have to ring myself you see.
Moron with new phone: Cool! I can use it as a remote for the telly!
Sensible non-moron guy: No idiot!
- Moron with new phone gets bitch-slapped...
Telling people you don't know your number because you never have to dial it doesn't let you off the hook, it just makes you look stupider!
The same goes for your email passwords, bank account numbers and all that shit you've never though important to know by heart. Well, guess what? It IS important so if you don't know any of this stuff go and do it now! And while you're are it bitch-slap yourself twice since I'm not there to do it for you.
In closing, I leave you with this small excerpt from a simpsons episode (the one where they change the area codes).
Phoney: Well, scientists have discovered that even monkeys can memorize ten numbers. Are you stupider than a monkey?
[cut to the audience]
Wiggum: How big of a monkey?
Well, are you?
Thought so...
Guy/Gal #2 : Uhm....erm let me look for my phone because I don't know it by heart..erm... Oh! Right! My number is (looking at mobile phone)....erm...can't find it hehe, well I'll just ring you now so you can save it. I never have to ring myself you see.
If you identify yourself with guy/gal # 2 above then my friend you're a moron! Learn your stupid number! In fact, once you buy your shiny new phone the first thing you oughta do before checking if it has cool games or if you can take pretty pictures with it is learning your fscking number! Shouldn't take you more than 2 minutes mate.
Moron with new phone: Cool! I can use it as a remote for the telly!
Sensible non-moron guy: No idiot!
- Moron with new phone gets bitch-slapped...
Telling people you don't know your number because you never have to dial it doesn't let you off the hook, it just makes you look stupider!
The same goes for your email passwords, bank account numbers and all that shit you've never though important to know by heart. Well, guess what? It IS important so if you don't know any of this stuff go and do it now! And while you're are it bitch-slap yourself twice since I'm not there to do it for you.
In closing, I leave you with this small excerpt from a simpsons episode (the one where they change the area codes).
Phoney: Well, scientists have discovered that even monkeys can memorize ten numbers. Are you stupider than a monkey?
[cut to the audience]
Wiggum: How big of a monkey?
Well, are you?
Thought so...
Yo me identifico con ese personje que no se sabe su numero de telefono, ni su nip ni el password, ni..... ya no recuerdo que mas! por eso me voy a comprar un chimpance para que se aprenda de memoria todo lo que mi me da hueva !!! :) Tal vez un buen nombre para mi Chimpance en honor a alguien que no se le olvida nada...podria ser..mmmm ah! ya se! Victor! si!!
que te parece?
Before I had a mobile I used to memorize my friends and my personal numbers. Now, I could say I only know my mobile number. Yeah, mobile make u lazy.
A mi me choca cuando la gente arrastra las patas. But this? mmmh, not so much.
Is that No. 1834? I thought it was No. 858975892758927589427358927528931. LOL. Anyway, I'm kinda back in comments on blogs.
Ok, I don't like to blog and I probably shouldn't even write right now but this one is teh sux. I have in my mind all my nips and passwords and shit like that including 15 figures for PI, 11 figures for e and the first 12 digits for the golden string but my phone number? Fuck sake, it doesn't matter. Anyway, just as yours, it's a personal point of view.
So who cares? Don't you carry your mobile with you? So you can check your number at any time, can't you? Also as edgaro says mobile number is the last one in the long list of things to memorize. I have enough with remembering all the nips, ids, passwords, account numbers... so I just don't mind about a phone number.
lepicia: if I were you I'd buy 5 of them.
ngo: yeah I know, stupid mobiles...
raquel: it's not that it REALLY pisses me off but it makes a nice post and it does piss me off a little
lalo: I'll write about the other 858975892758927589427358927528930 some other time
edgar: you impress no one with your claims (even if they're true, which I doubt)
edgar and alex: if you know all that shit it won't be a problem learning your number. Learn it!!! :P
It is clear that you didnt understand the comparison: memorising ur mobile number is as important as the number of monkehs u need to memorise 20 digits for pi (who cares about it???). So stop demanding ppl should learn his mobile number.
BTW, I never intended to impress anyone and it was demonstrated I actually know those numbers (as useful as all those "interesting" facts *cough crap cough* you learnt from wikipedia). Anyway, I'm not the only one that thinks so, am I? Cheers Alex
Edgar: well, it's clear you need some help with your mobile.
Here, have a monkey.
Can I have a monkey too?
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