I'm planning on entering a 10k run here in Manchester with some of my friends. The race is this coming sunday, the 21st, and we decided to start doing some running last thursday, a whole 10 days of training!
On Thursday, seeing that the day was nice for a change, we decided to go to the park for a run. That was my first run in like a year maybe and quite obviously after 3 exhausting kilometers I was ready to sell my soul for an oxygen tank :P The first thought that sprang in my mind was
You're nuts if you think you'll be able to run 10k in a week's time Friday we decided to run along the same course as the day before to see if we could push it a little bit further. I must say I had very low expectations after Thursday's experience but the human body is an incredible machine, and it suffices to give it only a little practice to remind it of its capabilities. I ran around 5.3k that day.
Saturday I didn't run because I was hungover from a damn Johnny Walker bottle, but I did play some squash hangover notwithstanding. On Sunday (actually since Saturday), the weather reverted to its usual rainy form, so I just couldn't be bothered and didn't run that day either.
Yesterday, the weather was still wet and shitty so we decided to go run on the treadmill at the sports centre. I set the treadmill to a 10kph speed and started running setting myself a goal of maybe 6k. To my surprise, once I got to 6k I felt I could still keeo going, so I did. I decided to go for 7.5k and managed them with still something left in the tank so I went for more. Once I reached 8k I decided I wasn't going to stop until I reached 10k even if they had to take me out in a stretcher. The last k was very very hard but I actually managed it, I was listening to some music and I kept telling myself
'Just 2 more songs, 2 more songs' (6 minutes). 10k in an hour, I know it's not remotely impressive for a proper athlete but for me it's pretty foockin' good. I had never run more than 6k in my life and that was like 5 years ago when my statistics lecturer at uni made us enter a 6k run in order to get extra credits hehe.
Now it's only left to see how hard it's to translate 10k from the treadmill to the street. I'll keep running this week, maybe a big run on wednesday, a very short one on thursday and another long one on friday and we'll see how it goes. I'll let you know if I finish the 10k on sunday.
ps After the 10k my left knee was (still is) nagging me a bit, I'm gettin' old :'(
pps Running on the treadmill is booooooring