Friday, June 09, 2006

Jacket potato

Usually I consider myself more like a couch potato, but today I'd say jacket potato is a better term to describe my situation. You see, here in england they build houses in such a way as to retain as much heat as possible in the walls. But when the thermometer rises a little bit (this week we've had 20 degrees most of the time) the houses can gain oven-like features and hence people living in them can be likened to jacket potatoes or any other thing you like to put in an oven.

My room, being in the top floor and all, accumulates a lot of heat (it also gets pretty cold in winter time, a real piece of art) during the day. Add to that the fact that my window is stuck and can't be opened by any means possible and voila! You have your own turkish bath :D I mean, a little while ago I was chatting away on msn when I suddenly noticed that I was sweating! Who the hell sweats by typing in the computer?!?!?! And it's not like te 70% humidity is helping either. This is not a rant, I'm actually quite happy with this kind of weather, which we don't get very often, and I can tolerate some sweatiness and stickiness if that's what it takes. It's just I didn't have anything to write about and any kind of post is better than no post, innit?

But seriously, dudes and dudettes, right now I could wrap myself in cling film or aluminum foil, spread some vegetables here and there, apply some butter, go to bed and tomorrow I'd be quite the feast for one of those cannibalistic tribes we all hear about in jokes.

Hoping that I didn't anger the weather gods and they don't revert to the rainy shit again,


p.s. Here comes the sweat again...

p.p.s. Wrote this last night but blogger was down so had to post it this morning