[4] What's in a name?
Hey kids, the reason I haven't updated lately is twofold:
1) I wanted to post something wordy (worthy?) rather than a strip so I was waiting to see if I had a revelation on what to write about but it didn't come. Hence, the strip above :D
2) I really like my last post and I know that now that I posted something else nobody's gonna bother to scroll down to see it *sigh*. The thing is, you see, I don't think I'll be able to top that one anytime soon so we're gonna get back to comments like: "yeah, you're cartoon is stupid", "mmhhh I didn't like it at all", "it's not funny go shoot yourself", "did a monkey help you with that? Because one really should...", etc.
Anyways, cutting away from the drama, I leave you with the strip above which has a quote from shakespeare, who else can provide you with beavis and butthead, poochie and shakespeare all in one blog? No one! That's who.
And now I'll tell you about some movies I've seen recenlty just because I can:
Matchstick men: Quite good movie starring Nic Cage, he plays a cleanliness obssesed conman, you know one of these roles he's really good at as opposed to the tough-save-the-world-before-breakfast kinda guy, at which he sucks, like in the Rock.
V for Vendetta: Apparently fans from the original comic didn't like it but for me it was alright, expect a very familiar scenario to Orwell's 1984 (totalitarian régime, John Hurt, news manipulation by the media and so on) although the story in itself is very different and quite good in it's own right.
And last but not least...oh sorry let me rephrase: And last because it's shite
Hostel: Do not, I repeat, DO NOT under any circumstances go and see this piece of shit. It's boring as fuck, it has no plot, it actually starts 40 minutes into the movie because before that nothing happens, no suspense, no terror just some gory images thrown out there every now and then....The genius who came up with this crap should be spat on! The fact that fucking Tarantino lends his name to present this kind of bullcrap is very very sad and speaks tons as to how much he cares for the audience.
This is the only movie (and I've seen plenty shitty ones) that has made me ask for my money back, which I didn't get because I actually sat through the whole thing. Of course if I had known I could get another ticket if I left the cinema halfway through I'd have done it without a blink.
In summary, I wan't you to do 2 things: Never watch hostel and comment on the strip! It'll be much appreciated ;) Oh! And of you see the guy who made hostel, spit on the bastard!
p.s. I went to play poker today and came 6th, 2 away from the money....so close, and yet so far away.